Coltural heritage awareness for regional traditions




2020 - 2022

Project webpage:

Project Facebook page


About the project:

The CHART project network has built a framework for innovative heritage tools and approaches where partner organisations, representing a very interesting mix between rural and
urban, university level and grass-root active NGOs, extreme West and extreme East of Europe (and also North and South) have learned and exchanged knowledge and built a participatory
process around their own cultural heritage main values.
CHART project has proposed a new innovative practical introduction to concepts which are not known and widely used at European level:

1 Cultural mapping/cultural maps - as an ‘action journey’ undertaken specifically to identify, investigate or reclaim community values.

2. Heritage interpretations - aiming to reveal meanings and relationships through the use of original
objects, by firsthand experience, and by illustrative media.

3. Heritage learning - full range of potential activities intended to heighten public awareness and enhance understanding of cultural heritage.

The final products of CHART project reflect these key concepts and are usable by a wide range of beneficiaries and stakeholders with full impact on local and regional level and significant progress at National and European level.

The basic assumption of the project is based on the fact that cultural awareness and expresssion is a cradle-to-grave key competence and is a shared responsibility (variety of key actors involved in education).

Project objectives:
- design and development of a clear conceptual framework for cultural awareness and expression and a practical vision of how to develop and refine awareness and how to stimulate expression
among participating organisations, associated partners and relevant stakeholders;
- design and development of a new digital tools (cultural maps and cultural hotspots (loops) for cultural and educational institutions that can improve access to artefacts and experiences, and develop skills for media literacy, thus making cultural experiences as accessible as possible to all citizens and stimulating cultural participations of citizens from underprivileged socio-economic
- give particular attention to lifelong, intergenerational and intercultural learning of cultural awareness and expression with the goal of stimulating social cohesion by including key
people and personal stories into the cultural maps and cultural hotspots;
- raise awareness of the importance of cultural key factors (such as places, institutions, people) by providing them new media products (such as cultural maps and cultural hotspots/loops) in order to develop links between cultural awareness and expression and social, economic and cultural challenges;
- develop educational frameworks and methods for Initial Teacher Education and Continuing Professional Development for educators and cultural workers in order to improve skills and
the understanding necessary for developing cultural awareness and expression in learners and their institutions.

The project encompasses target groups living in both, urban and rural areas, where local culture, as a source of activities, pride and well-being, can be a major asset to development. At European level educators&organisations offer different cultural views, entry points or learning paths by learning from each other experiences.

Main project outputs:

Personalised cultural mapping research

to be added

Heritage Interpretations: Cultural maps for communities

to be added

Heritage learning – educational approaches

to be added

Project outputs will be available as an open source in January 2023.


Please, send us a message if you want to hear more about this or any other of projects. We will contact you as soon as possible!

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