Master the Most Underrated Competency for Career Success

The #1 career competency that drives success across industries is a strength that anyone can develop — and one that is crucial to both overall career success and acing job interviews.

The competence is career management, the ability to strategically and proactively plan and run your own career.

The first step in taking control of your career management is developing the self-awareness to know your strengths and preferences, to understand your work values and future goals.

While you can’t control the whims of the job market or random hiring managers, you can take control of your own development and priorities.

There are many successful people who are extremely unhappy. Despite their success, their hearts just aren’t in the work that they do.

At the same time, there are many bright and talented people who never find the success they deserve. They can’t seem to overcome some limiting weakness or they get stuck in a role that doesn’t tap into their real abilities and they can’t figure out what to change.

If you don’t put time and effort into understanding yourself, it’s easy to lose your way – in your career as well as other areas of your life.

To foster this ability, our certified trainers provide a specialized training method, Towards Successful Seniority™ –  a tool to promote the career management, professional development and mental well-being of employees. Towards Successful Seniority™ is a group method during which the participants recognize their own strengths and needs for development, and set personal goals for their future careers. (Source: Pamela Skillings, Big Interview).


In 2019 we prepared the following training programs:

Towards Successful Seniority™ - training program for school leaders

Towards Successful Seniority™ - training program for teachers

Towards Successful Seniority™ - training program for career counsellors



Please, send us a message if you want to hear more about our services in career management. We will contact you as soon as possible!

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